
February Horoscopes & Journal Prompts by Hatha Astro

Published on February 2, 2021


Hola, Aries! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your highly social eleventh house. Community is a huge focus now, and the needs of your favourite people are up for review. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you reassessing your place within your group. Do your friendships need a facelift? Your hopes, dreams and future visions are in the spotlight. What does your most embodied, most juicy life look like? You may feel destined to do something that benefits humanity at large. What is something you care deeply about? This is a great time to start thinking about how you can make a career out of your passion for helping others. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which could provoke some frivolous spending. Even if you technically have the budget for it, make sure you think before you swipe.

  • What causes am I passionate about? How can I serve them better?
  • Do my friendships make me feel inspired and excited, or do they leave me drained and tired?


Hola, Taurus! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your tenth house of destiny and life purpose. This is going to be a trend for you during the majority of 2021. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you reassessing your direction. Now is the time to rethink your next steps. What legacy do you want to leave? What do you want to create by this time next year? How can you live in more flow and abundance? Remember that bliss already exists, you just need to tune into the frequency. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting in a tense angle, which may provoke something unexpected that shifts your perspective regarding your career. The way that you present yourself to the world is facing a revolution — what vibes do you want to give off?

  • How do I project myself into the world?
  • What does alignment mean to me?


Hola, Gemini! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your ninth house of expansion and philosophy. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you reminiscing about your past adventures. This might be provoking you to wonder what’s next. We are no doubt limited by all the current travel restrictions, but get creative! How can you infuse your days with something a little exotic? This transit is mostly about expansion. If you can’t get your hands on a plane ticket, dive into a new educational pursuit. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting in a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected insight into the nature of your healing journey. Allow some time to go inward and let anything go that’s not serving your highest good.

  • What stimulates my imagination and sense of adventure?
  • What can I let go of in order to fully live my bliss?


Hola, Cancer! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your eighth house of sex and bonding. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you reminiscing about some lust-filled past connections. Use this as an opportunity to assess what true, soul-deep bonding means to you. You crave intimacy now more than ever — you want to get deep with your partner outside the sheets, too. If you are single, you could be doing some psychological work and shedding some old skins. The time is ripe to let go of any simmering connections and make way for new, steamy prospects. The occult and anything, well, witchy will appeal to you now. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected insight into the nature of your hopes and dreams. Practice some shadow work to help release patterns that are blocking you from living your highest-vibe life.

  • What does intimacy mean to me?
  • What does my dreamiest life look like?


Hola, Leo! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your seventh house of committed partnerships. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you rethinking how you prioritize relationships. Regardless, your heart is blazing for that one special connection, and you are willing to sacrifice your individual needs for the sake of a dynamic duo. If you are single, some old prospects may resurface with some serious staying potential. It’s all about timing, and the time has arrived. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected insight into the nature of your path to success and destiny. Perhaps an exciting new job prospect or collaboration surfaces. Pay attention to who and what shows up in your energetic field — it could be an opportunity knocking.

  • How can I nurture my connections better?
  • What does success mean to me?


Hola, Virgo! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your sixth house of health and routines. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting how you prioritize self-care and wellness. Quite simply, there couldn’t be a better time to detox and begin a new workout regime. What else in your life needs a reboot? How can you boost organization and productivity? Are you a bit of a hoarder? You might feel compelled to donate old items that no longer bring you value. Don’t let nostalgia trip you up. If you haven’t used it or worn it, say sayonara! This is also an excellent time to think about implementing a new morning or evening ritual. Try some yoga to keep those chakras balanced. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting in a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected insight that could lead to new ideas or opportunities. You could be drawn to some ancient practices that could boost vitality and connection to the higher mind.

  • What boosts to my health regime would I like to make?
  • What does spirituality mean to me?


Hola, Libra! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your fifth house of creativity, fun and romance. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting how you prioritize your creative self-expression. This sector, which is highlighted all year, also rules your inner child. What lights you up from the inside out? Someone steamy could catch your eye over the next four weeks. Enjoy some socially distanced flirtation. Attached? Find new and creative ways to connect. Think outside the box and get adventurous. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting up at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected insight that could lead to intimate encounters. Wear your heart on your sleeve and be transparent. This may deepen connections in ways simply unimaginable.

  • What do I love to create?
  • What does love and romance look like to me?


Dear Scorpio, this month is all about downtime for your intense sign. At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your fourth house of nesting and security. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting how you prioritize your foundations. This influence is the ultimate cosmic green light for self-care and rejuvenation. You want your home to be a sanctuary, so you may consider decorating, updating or even relocating. Whatever it is, it’s all about enhancing your safe and sacred space, both physically and spiritually. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting in a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected twists and turns with regard to your partnerships — business or romantic. Commitment renewal or enhanced sense of passion could be sparked by this mashup. Let the good times roll!

  • What does security mean to me?
  • How can I deepen my connections with my loved ones?


At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your third house of nesting and security. Intellectual pursuits will be thriving this month. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting how you communicate. Marketing, sales and technology will be especially profitable now. Perhaps you are thinking of ways to monetize some of your artistic endeavours? Get busy promoting yourself! Beware of negative thought patterns, as this transit is notorious for thinking of ourselves in circles. Stay mindful in these uncertain times by tapping into the present moment. When we become aware of our ego, we are in a better position to challenge what doesn’t serve us. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected twists and turns when it comes to your health and routines. Make mind, body and spiritual practices a priority during this time to stay grounded.

  • How can I communicate with authenticity?
  • What bad habits do I need to let go of?


Hola, Capricorn! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your second house of values. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting how you prioritize your deepest morals. What do you really care about? Do you take time to serve these guiding principles daily? Remember that order matters! If you prioritize success over health, you are going to be burned out AF. Focus on feelings you can cultivate rather than lofty ideals or material items. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected twists and turns when it comes to your creative self-expression. You could be thinking of new ways to monetize some of your artistic endeavours. Stay tuned into any flashes of insight that come to you during this time — you could be onto your next big thing!

  • What are my core values?
  • How can I nurture my creativity more?


Happy Birthday, Aquarius! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in your sign and first house! You are on high visibility now. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you rethinking how you project yourself. Ask yourself about how you show up with others. Are you a good listener? Are you authentic? What traits do you want to heal? Make celebration a priority, regardless of COVID-19 restrictions. A party might not be possible, but who says you can’t treat yourself to a shopping spree! You could be doing some heavy lifting and letting go of some thoughts, behaviours or people who are no longer serving you. There is no better time than your solar return to start fresh! Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting at a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected twists when it comes to your sense of security. Your visions may be changing, and as a result, your direction may be, too.

  • What toxic traits am I ready to let go of?
  • How can I create more security in my life?


Hola, Pisces! At any given point in February, four of six planets are circulating in Aquarius and your twelfth house of closure. Until February 21, Mercury’s backspin in this sector could have you revisiting your past. Your emotional processes are heightened and you may be feeling extra nostalgic. Take lots of time to rest and reflect. Social distancing? No problem! R&R is your middle name right now. This is the time to release patterns that no longer serve you. Emotions are a product of past conditioning and ultimately, your thoughts. Mid-month, Uranus and Saturn are meeting in a tense angle, which may provoke some unexpected twists and turns when it comes to communication and marketing. Stay mindful of how you present thoughts and ideas, especially when you are feeling triggered. Let cooler heads prevail!

  • Do my thoughts serve me? What negative thinking patterns can I release?
  • Where in my life do I need closure?

Website: https://hathaastro.com/

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The Author
Kyla Derkach is the founder of HATHA ASTRO and is located in Palma De Mallorca, Spain. She helps worldly, bold, entrepreneurial women beat self-sabotage and find clarity and direction in life, love and business. She specializes in Human Design, Astrology and NLP. She was named by Yahoo Finance as one of the Top Human Design Coaches of 2021 and is certified through the AFA.