
Nurturing Health & Wellbeing at WelcOMe Home Centre Toronto

Published on April 26, 2021

man in yoga stance nurturing health & wellbeing

The last year has not been easy for anyone and it is more important than ever to take time for nurturing health and wellbeing and take care of our mental and emotional health. However, for most people, it can be daunting to figure out where to start and that’s where Reverend Helen Valleau comes in. Valleau’s interest in all things yoga, meditation, and mindfulness originated with her mom. “My mom was an explorer of something more,” says Valleau.

In 1995, Valleau took her Hoffman Process Certification. The Hoffman Process is a seven-day residential program that helps participants identify negative behaviours, moods, and ways of thinking that developed unconsciously and were conditioned in childhood. “The Hoffman Process itself works at releasing the patterns emotionally energetically and building a harmonious state emotionally physically, mentally and spiritually so that we are making healthy loving choices from a place of authenticity,” she adds. After completing her certification, Valleau started working with the Hoffman Institute.

Valleau decided to continue on this path, and in 2012 she became a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner in New Thought and then in 2015 became a Minister of New Thought. New Thought Philosophy is a loosely allied group of religious denominations, authors, philosopher, and individuals who share a set of beliefs concerning metaphysics, healing, universal life force energy to express our Divine Nature and live together in peace and harmony.

“New Thought is a combination taking teachings of love from Hinduism, Buddhism, the Baha’i faith, Islam and Christianity,” Valleau adds. “We use practices such as meditation and affirmative prayer to come back into affirming and harmonizing our own mind with this infinite creative intelligent energy of the universe.”

Since they work together, Valleau also became a Certified HeartMath Trainer in 2015. HeartMath is a heart-focused technique to bring your thoughts, feelings, physical and intuitive aspects into balanced alignment. “In Hoffman Philosophy, New Thought Philosophy, and HeartMath, there’s this underlying connection of tapping into our internal self-regulation capacity and our ability to access our executive functioning a more creative place in the brain,” she notes.

Helen Valleau runs the welcome hOMe Toronto Centre, nurturing health & wellbeing | Photo courtesy H. Valleau

In 2019, Valleau opened the welcome hOMe Toronto Centre and has recently rebranded the community and philosophy aspect to the Global Truth Centre Toronto. In pre-pandemic times, this is the centre where Valleau would offer her welcome hOMe classes. Although they do still offer classes such as Spirit Breath Meditation, Inspired Yoga, and Sound Baths, everything is now done online.

“It’s taking the understanding of our oneness and tapping into this energy that is all around us and embodying this energy in an experiential way versus just talking and thinking about it,” adds Valleau. Since the last year has been hard for everyone, it is more important than ever to stop and take a minute and take stock of our thoughts and emotions.

“It’s nonsecular and it is experiential,” she states. “I think it’s going to become more essential as we move through the pandemic for people to be able to come together and have a group experience. But also taking from HeartMath and building resilience. Building this understanding, we can create this inner safety and security. Our intuitive knowing is going to be vital for our mental health, physical health and overall wellbeing as we start to navigate all the changes that are happening in the world right now.”

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The Author
Kaitlynn is a graduate of the University of Regina with a degree in journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, doing yoga, playing with her cat Salem and travelling.